If you are newly engaged and looking for information on preparing to for your marriage in the Catholic Church the following initial steps will need to be followed for all couples.
Make sure you give yourself a minimum of 8 month for the marriage preparation process (from the first meeting with the priest/deacon/lay pastoral assistant to the marriage date).
Set up a time for your initial visit. At this initial meeting the priest/deacon/lay pastoral assistant will explain the marriage preparation process and to outline your specific “Marriage Preparation Checklist." You are instructed to obtain a newly issued copy of your Baptismal record. This step should be delayed until instructed to by the priest/deacon/lay pastoral assistant as the copy of the record needs to be dated.
1. Eight months’ time of notice and preparation​
2. Participation in marriage instruction by a priest, deacon, or lay pastoral assistant Marriage
3. Preparation Retreat: Engaged Encounter or an equivalent preparation specified by your priest or deacon
4. FOCUS or Prepare/Enrich
5. Attend Natural Family Planning training if you are in child-bearing years
6. One meeting with a trained married couple for guidance and preparation
1. Baptismal certificate of each person (dated within 6 months) with notations
2. For Catholics, a certificate of Confirmation (unless included above)
3. Two sworn and notarized “Freedom to Marry” statements (per person) of your parents (or older relative) that you have never been married before and have no impediments to marriage. Any previous marriages must be annulled. Please submit a copy of any previous marriage license and annulments/death certificates
4. Pre-Nuptial Questionnaire (to be completed by both parties in the office with the person preparing you for the Sacrament)
5. Parental Permission (If either party is under the age of 19)
6. A civil marriage license (MUST have prior to wedding—at least a week. You receive a discount by going to Engaged Encounter)
7. Copy of annulment decree/death certificate​
8. Autobiographies of wedding couple (signed and dated)
a. For more information click here.
b. To schedule your initial meeting for marriage preparation, contact our parish office.